Heritage Tree Care has a whole division devoted to Plant Health Care for Arboriculture, Landscaping and Turf care and support.
Guided by the divisions Agronomist, who overseas project planning, site diagnostics and management. Full plant health care programs are tailored to best suit site and plant requirements thorough out the growing season. Heritage stocks a full range of biological/organic fertiliser inputs, soil amendments, soil conditioners, plant stimulants, microbial innoculums and produces specialise compost teas to support soil and plant health.
We have our own inhouse lab for basic soil testing and checking soils to Australian standards for gardening and Landscape. Full soil testing is carried out by our inhouse Agronomist who can customise soil requirements and nutrient programs. Full plant diagnostics for plant leaf mineral analysis and for plant pathogen identification is also carried out.
Heritage also stock compost, soil conditioners and mulches to AS4454-2012. We have experience in site management to control erosion due to potential washout of newly exposed site using coir logs, staked hay bales and cloth bunding.