Heritage Tree Care are the leading specialists in Plant Health Care and Soil Health Care in South East Queensland. Our experienced and highly qualified Plant Health Care team consists of an AQF Level 7 Qualified Agronomist, AQF Level 9 Qualified Micro-Biologist and three AQF Level 5 Arborists. The team create bespoke Plant Health Care programs while providing affordable, budget driven solutions to any Plant Health Care issue and use a variety of diagnostic tools, methods, technology and expertise to ensure the best outcomes are inevitable.

A Plant Health Care(PHC) program can consist of:
- Liquid Microbial Applications.
- Soil Investigations and Works.
- PHC Data Collection/ Documentation.
- Regular Monitoring.
Healthy Soil, Healthy Trees
At Heritage Tree Care, we understand how important soil health is to plant health care as poor soil health is the foremost cause of tree decline. By building healthy soils we build strong, resilient trees. When it comes to Plant Health Care it is important to look at the big picture, starting with the soil to understand the underlying issues- building healthy soil will improve the overall health of trees. Our team use an evidence -based approach to the management of tree health using the measurements collected as a benchmark.
- Soil Health Data.
- Photosynthetic Function.
- Soil Co2 Respiration.
- Soil Carbon.
- Canopy Cooling Effects.
- Visual Tree Assessment.
We diagnose and support
- Declining Trees.
- Trees at Risk from Pests and Disease.
- Protect High Value Trees from Risk and Improve Overall Vitality and Health.

Soil Health Services
- Soil Health Assessment.
- Soil Testing.
- Soil Microbial Assessment & Measurement.
- Soil Health + Remediation Programs.
- Compost Tea Brewing and Soil Inoculation.
- Soil Decompaction and Mineral Amendment Packages.
- Mycorrhizal Inoculum Injections.
- Customised Nutrition Programs.
- Customised Planting Soil Design.

Specialist Tree and Park Soil Decompaction Services
- Portable Soil Injection for Soil Loosening, Dry or Liquid Injection of Amendments.
- Soil Injection of Customised Mineral Blends Based on Soil Testing Recommendations.
- Soil Injection of Microbial Inoculants.
- Air Injection to Aerate Waterlogged Soils.
- Injection of Water Retaining Materials.
- Injection of Biochar.

Tree Health Vitality Assessment
- Leaf Tissue Analysis.
- Tree Poisoning Investigation.
- Integrated Pest Management Programs.
- Foliar Nutrition Programs.
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurement.

Soil and Tree Health- Plant Health Care Support
- Bench Marking Tree Health and Soil Health.
- Proactive Management of Trees in Decline.
- Tree Transplant Plant Health Care Support.
- Whole Park Tree Health Benchmarking.
- Customised Plant Health Care Management.
- Organic Plant Health Care Programs.
- Irrigation Monitoring/ Management.